Sunday, December 14, 2008

No complaining for 1 day Challenge...!

"T. Jason Finch"
The NO COMPLAINING 1 DAY CHALLENGE. Think you can do it? Honestly, I don't know if could go a single day without complaining...? Sounds easy until you try. I attempted to do this the other month ago and failed miserably. It was a real shocker when I realized how negative I really am. And I thought I was pretty darn positive. Boy did I have a rude awakening. LOL!

The originator of this concept, Will Bowen, challenges people to go on a 21 day fast from complaining... pretty tough I'd say... so hence the idea of just going 1 day without complaining will be a huge feat for me and I'd imagine it'd be a big achievement for most people also.

Watch Will Bowen's video from Oprah below

So starting tomorrow, I am going on the short one day fast of no complaining. If you want to join me that'd be super... please leave your comments below and how well you did.

Tip: where a rubber band around your wrist, then when you find yourself complaining... snap the rubber band then switch wrist.. you must also start all over again.. meaning it's a new 24 hours that you have to go without complaining..

Don't get discourage if it takes your many attempts to get passed just one day of no

T. Jason Finch


  1. There was a complaint-free-world site out at one time with this challenge. I've tried it in the past and got discouraged but I think you might've inspired me to have a go at it again. Thanks!

  2. That's awesome David. We can all support each other to become more positive and to make good changes in all our lives.
    See we are all connected energetically. So if you are more positive, the whole benefits... Best of success to you.

  3. My quick response is, there's no good way to do what he's asking in the video. I am a dissatisfied customer for the most part, and how can I deal with a service issue that is theirs, without registering a complaint?

  4. Jason, Thanks for the reminder. I commit to no complaints today. I tried to go no complaints for a week a month or two ago, and gave myself an A- grade. not bad.

  5. That's similar to what they've got going on at
    If you look at the positive in situations and don't watch or read the news, it's not that hard to not complain :)

  6. Tara thanks for the post. I started the 1 day challenge because most people can't even go a couple of hours without complaining..

    My philosophy is start off small then work up to the 21 days without complaininng.

    Start of 1 day, then maybe two and so forth.
